Action item 13.1



Approved by decision makers.
Recommendation implemented.

That in developing its budget, the Government must have regard to the source of royalty revenue and must ensure that regions that are the source of taxation revenue benefit from any onshore shale gas extraction activity that has occurred in their region.

That the Government works with local government, stakeholders, Land Councils, and local communities in the design and implementation of all such programs.

Target completion date


Reform area
Maximising regional benefits and local opportunities
Project action
Ensuring Territorians benefit from royalties
Lead agency
Department of Treasury and Finance

Action item update


The recommendation will be implemented through the Regional Development Framework and Local Decision Making Policy and improved regional revenue and expenditure reporting to ensure that regions where onshore shale gas extraction activities occur will benefit from the activity.

The Regional Development Framework is designed to enable regions to shape regional social and economic development priorities. This will be facilitated by the Framework’s governance model, which connects regional committees with senior government decision makers. Regional committees will include representation from local government, Land Councils, regional business leaders, service providers and Aboriginal organisations, reflecting the breadth sought by the recommendation.

Local Decision Making provides a pathway for Aboriginal communities and community representative bodies to have greater involvement, including control, over their identified needs and aspirations through the progressive transition of service delivery and decision-making to the local level.

The NT Government is implementing a new budget management system that will enable consistent reporting of budgeted and actual expenditure by region across agencies. The system will allow comparison between the level of revenue sourced from a region against the level of government spending on services and infrastructure in the region.