Action item 14.2




Approved by decision makers. Recommendation has been implemented.

That the Minister must immediately notify the public of any proposed land release for any onshore shale gas exploration.

That the Minister must consult with the public and stakeholders and consider any comments received in relation to any proposed land release.

That the Minister be required to take into account the following matters when deciding whether or not to release land for exploration:

  • the prospectivity of the land for petroleum;
  • the possibility of co-existence between the onshore gas industry and any existing or proposed industries in the area; and
  • whether the land is an area of intensive agriculture, high ecological value, high scenic value, culturally significant or strategic significance.

That the Minister publish a statement of reasons why the land has been released and why coexistence is deemed to be possible.

Target completion date


Reform area
Strengthening regulation
Project action
Ensuring decisions are made transparently
Lead agency
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Action item update


The Petroleum Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2019 was passed in the Legislative Assembly on 24 March 2020 and assented to on 30 March 2020.  The Petroleum Act 1984 was amended to require public notification of proposed land release and for submissions to be made including in relation to the possibility of co-existence. The amendments to the Act will commence in June 2020.