Action item 14.21



50 % Complete.

Government approval for consultation on draft policy, guideline, framework, Bill.

That as part of the environmental assessment and approval process for all exploration and production approvals, the Minister be required to consider the cumulative impacts of any proposed onshore shale gas activity.

Target completion date


Reform area
Safeguarding water and the environment
Project action
Collecting baseline data and informing regional management
Lead agency
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security

Action item update


The environmental assessment processes and the assessment of environment management plans (EMPs) under the Petroleum (Environment) Regulations 2016 already provide scope for the assessment of cumulative impacts where appropriate.

The Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority provides advice to the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources on all EMPs to assist with the Minister’s consideration of cumulative impacts.

The Environment Protection Act 2019 establishes a reformed environmental impacts assessment and approval process for the Territory. It commenced on 28 June 2020 and requires environmental impact assessment and approval of proposed actions that have the potential to have a significant impact on the environment. The Act defines impact as including cumulative impacts.