Action item 14.8



Progress is complete: Approved by decision makers. Recommendation has been implemented.

That prior to the grant of any further exploration permits or production approvals, the Government enacts a minimum mandatory compensation scheme payable to Pastoral Lessees for all onshore shale gas production on their Pastoral Lease.

Compensation should be calculated by reference to the impact that the development will have on the Pastoral Lease and the Pastoral Lessee, for example, the number of wells drilled, the value of the land (both before and after), and the area of land cleared and rendered unavailable for pastoral activities.

Target completion date

Stage 3. Completed.

Reform area
Planning for industry
Project action
Addressing arrangements to access pastoral land
Lead agency
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Action item update


The Petroleum Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2019 was passed in the Legislative Assembly on 24 March 2020 and was assented to on 30 March 2020. The amendments to the Petroleum Act 1984 commenced in June 2020 and allow for regulations to be made in relation to land access.

The Northern Territory Government consulted with affected stakeholders on draft Petroleum Regulations that detail the requirements of statutory land access agreements. The Petroleum Regulations 2020 have been made by the Administrator and commence 1 January 2021.