Action item 5.5a



Approved by decision makers.
Recommendation implemented.

That prior to the grant of any further exploration approvals, in consultation with the gas industry and the community, the Government develops a wastewater management framework for any onshore shale gas industry. Consideration must be given to the likely volumes and nature of wastewaters that will be produced by the industry during the exploration and production phases.

That the framework for managing wastewater includes an auditable chain of custody system for the transport of wastewater (including by pipelines) that enables source-to-delivery tracking of wastewater.

Target completion date


Reform area
Ensuring accountable industry practice
Project action
Developing transparent and enforceable codes of practice
Lead agency
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Action item update


The mandatory Code of Practice for Onshore Petroleum Activities in the Northern Territory addresses waste water management requirements which allowed exploration to recommence in mid-2019. The Code is on the DEPWS website.