Action item 7.18



Approved by decision makers.
Recommendation implemented.

That to minimise the adverse impacts of any onshore shale gas infrastructure (roads and pipelines) on the flow and quality of surface waters, the Government must ensure that:

  • landscape or regional impacts are considered in the design and planning phase of development to avoid unforeseen consequences arising from the incremental (piecemeal) rollout of linear infrastructure; and
  • roads and pipeline corridors must be constructed to:
    • minimise the interference with wet season surface water flow paths;
    • minimise erosion of exposed (road) surfaces and drains;
    • ensure fauna passage at all stream crossings; and
    • comply with relevant guidelines such as the International Erosion Control Association Best Practice for Erosion and Sediment Control and the Australian Pipeline Industry Association Code of Environmental Practice 2009.
Target completion date


Reform area
Safeguarding water and the environment
Project action
Assessing, protecting and monitoring water resources
Lead agency
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security

Action item update


The Northern Territory Government worked with independent scientific experts to develop the Code of Practice for Onshore Petroleum Activities in the Northern Territory (the Code) relative to the Inquiry recommendation. The Code is legally enforceable through the Petroleum (Environment) Regulations 2016. The finalised Code was published on 12 June 2019 and is on the DEPWS website.