Action item 7.19



Approved by decision makers.
Recommendation implemented.

That the SREBA undertaken for the Beetaloo Sub-basin must take into account groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the Roper River region, including identification and characterisation of aquatic ecosystems, and provide measures to ensure the protection of these ecosystems.

Target completion date


Reform area
Safeguarding water and the environment
Project action
Collecting baseline data and informing regional management
Lead agency
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security

Action item update


Groundwater-dependent vegetation has been mapped in the Beetaloo region as part of the Terrestrial Ecosystems baseline studies within the Strategic Regional Environmental and Baseline Assessment (SREBA).

Aquatic ecosystems within the region have been mapped and characterised, and the biodiversity of representative sites sampled during the Aquatic Ecosystems baseline studies within the SREBA. This includes sites dependent on groundwater discharge in the Roper River.

The discharge of groundwater into the Roper River in the vicinity of Mataranka was quantified and the source of this groundwater examined during the Water Quality and Quantity baseline studies within the SREBA.

More information on the SREBA is on the DEPWS website.