Action item 9.6
Approved by decision makers.
Recommendation implemented.
That once emission concentration limits are exceeded, as soon as reasonably practicable the regulator must be notified, an investigation must be undertaken by the gas company to identify the source or sources of the emissions, and make-good provisions be carried out by the gas industry.
Action item update
The Northern Territory Government worked with independent scientific experts to develop the Code of Practice for Onshore Petroleum Activities in the Northern Territory (the Code) relative to the Inquiry recommendation. The Code is legally enforceable through the Petroleum (Environment) Regulations 2016. The finalised Code was published on 12 June 2019 and is on the DEPWS website.
The Code of Practice identifies the process gas companies must undertake if emission concentration limits are exceeded. The process includes giving notice to the regulator and undertaking an investigation. Cumulative impacts are also considered through the delivery of Recommendations 14.19 and 14.21.